
  • Attendance
    Parents/guardians may submit attendance notes via email to:

    Susquehannock High School at

    The notes must include the child's full name in the subject line, the dates of absence, the reason for the absence, and the parent/guardian name as a signature.

    If the child is on a doctor's note, the note may be scanned and emailed to the attendance email address. The school attendance officer reserves the right to request the original doctor's note or may contact the doctor's office if more information is needed.

    When considering attendance in our currently implemented hybrid program and/or online coursework, student attendance is based on completion of assigned work as previously communicated throughout the 2020-2021 school year. Consideration for a student’s disability and/or medical condition along with current accommodations in individualized education plans or service agreement plans will be considered when determining attendance based on work completion.

    We encourage parents whose child’s absences may be a direct result of their child’s disability and/or medical condition to please reach out to your child’s building administrator to help determine excusals for absences and appropriate actions for attendance improvement. A student who is truant or chronically absent for health-related reasons may be eligible for protections under IDEA or Section 504. If a student with a disability is truant or chronically absent, the school should convene the student’s IEP team to determine whether revisions to the student’s IEP are necessary or appropriate.

    For the Pre-Planned Educational Trip and Tour form or an Absence / Tardy Excuse form, please visit the Parent Portal.

    Any questions regarding attendance can be directed to Julie Delozier at the High School office via phone at (717) 235-4811, ext. 4502 or via email at

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